A personal trainer has revealed how to lose weight for the party season by eating one particular vegetable every day.
Keith McNiven, 38, founder of Right Path Fitness, doesn’t believe in fad diets but says there are clever ways to drop the pounds quicker and his top tip for Christmas? Eat spinach with every meal.

“There’s a reason Popeye loves spinach so much and eats it every time he needs a boost,” Keith, who has a fitness studio in London, told Jam Press.
“It’s packed full of vitamins and minerals, making it very healthy and is great for those wanting to lose weight as it’s very filling but very low in calories.
“It’s also full of fibre, which aids digestion and help keep everything moving smoothly.
“Spinach is believed to help reduce oxidative stress too, which can cause damage to cells, contribute to ageing and may also play a role in the development of diseases and illnesses such as diabetes, cancer and Alzheimer’s.”
The superfood can also help curb big appetites and keep you fuller for longer.

However, there is too much of a good thing. Although Keith recommends adding spinach to every meal, stick to maximum two cups of the leafy green vegetable each day.
He said: “Eating too much can prevent your body from absorbing calcium, which is bad, and it can also interfere with certain medications because it’s so rich in vitamin K.
“Those on medication for diabetes and to lower blood pressure in particular need to be careful as it can cause it to dip too low.”

It is advised to speak to a GP or other medical professional before making drastic changes to your diet.
If spinach isn’t your thing and you can’t stand the taste, Keith suggests adding it to a smoothie along with kiwi and apple juice for a super green drink.
He added: “If you want to lose weight and reduce bloat, try adding a cup of spinach to two of your meals – I prefer breakfast and lunch.
“It’s easy to add to soups and I love it in omelettes and stir fries and it’ll really fill you up without any extra calories.”
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