An influencer who had the ‘world’s most painful surgery’ to make him taller has revealed it impacted him in the bedroom.
Yeferson Cossio says his girlfriend fell asleep because he was hobbling around on crutches.
He underwent the limb-lengthening procedure five months ago.
He went from 5ft 8in tall to 6ft after having his legs surgically stretched.
At the time, the 29-year-old influencer told his 11.1 million Instagram followers: “I underwent the most painful surgery in the entire world.
“Would you do it?”
Yeferson, from Antioquia, near Medellin, Colombia, said: “Just as it’s the most painful operation, it is also one of the most expensive.”
The influencer reportedly paid between COP 200 million and 700 million (£40,356 and £141,225) for the treatment.
His surgeon pointed out that the operation is typically used to adjust malformations that leave one limb longer than the other or when a patient loses part of a limb in an accident.
The specialist added that it takes over four months from surgery to full recovery.
However, Yeferson admitted that his rehabilitation is not going well.

After using a wheelchair for several months, he currently has to rely on the aid of crutches to move around.
One saucy encounter with his girlfriend, Carolina Gómez left her feeling disappointed due to his use of the walking aid.
He said he was nearly falling asleep when she came to bed and wanted a spicy end to the evening.
At one point, he placed a pillow between them as a barrier to have a peaceful night’s sleep, but his girlfriend was somewhat persistent.
Not wanting to disappoint her, Yeferson told Carolina that he needed to take a quick bath as he was sweaty and felt uncomfortable.

However, by the time he hobbled to the bathroom on crutches, took a bath, and returned to the bedroom, Carolina had fallen fast asleep.
He explained on Instagram Stories: “My house is rather big and it took me about five minutes to walk to the bathroom.
“I took a bath and then got back on my crutches.”
He added that it took him about 15 minutes in total to clean up, during which time his girlfriend had lost her fire and dozed off.
Yeferson also recently told his followers that he is planning to remove the tattoos on his face on his mother’s advice.
He said: “I’m following my mum’s whim, she wants me to remove the tats from my face.”