A dopey dog had to be rescued after getting wedged in a metal fence.
The sad looking cane corso was found whimpering by a passerby.
She got stuck between two bars of the fence while trying to climb through.
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The hapless pooch was so tightly stuck it looked like she was impaled on the pointy railings.
It’s thought she ran away from her owner on a walk.
But the RSPCA is struggling to find her owner because she isn’t microchipped, as reported by Need To Know.
The unnamed canine was found in Osgathorpe Park, Sheffield and is now being cared for by the RSPCA.

A spokesperson for the animal charity said: “The cane corso was found by a member of the public who heard her crying.
The person who found her contacted the RSPCA, and Animal Rescue Officer Liz Braidley arrived to rescue her.
“After helping to free the canine, Liz took her to a vet so she could be checked over.
“And thankfully, despite her ordeal, she was found to only have a small wound to her leg and was given pain relief.”
Liz said: “Sadly this poor girl wasn’t microchipped so we don’t know who she belongs to or how she got to be in this situation in the first place.

“She could have ran off while on a walk in the park, frustratingly we don’t know.
After her trip to the vets, the dog was taken to the local dog warden, which looks after stray dogs found in the area.
Liz added: “She is the sweetest dog and very friendly.
“If she hasn’t been claimed by her owners, the kennels will be looking for a new home for her.”
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