Medical student jailed after woman died during cosmetic surgery
Shocking case unfolds as medical student faces 3-year sentence for clandestine operation…
Pop star goes ‘blind’ for two days after six cosmetic ops
After undergoing six cosmetic surgeries, pop star Yolanda Gallardo Barrero, known as…
Model permanently changes eye colour from brown to blue
A model has changed her eye colour after surgery. Layyons Valença has…
Mother-of-four, 40, dies on operating table during mummy makeover
A mother-of-four died on the operating table as she had mummy makeover…
‘I am the LIMB LENGTHENING doctor – more men than ever seek my help because being taller makes them more attractive’
A surgeon who offers shocking ‘limb lengthening’ surgery to make people taller…
‘Human doll’ nearly dies from black market BBL injections after splashing £97,000 on surgery obsession
A man dubbed ‘Baby Ken’ has almost died after getting black-market BBL…
‘I’ve got the biggest lips in the UK – and I want them BIGGER,’ says model who claims she is ‘banned’ from further surgery
A model has revealed her “obsession” with plastic surgery and claims to…
‘I looked like ALIEN with horns after fox eye procedure – now my forehead has turned BLACK,’ reveals woman, 21
It's just one thing after another for this model
‘She almost lost her lip’: ‘One of the UK’s best injectors’ reveals why you should NEVER go for dodgy filler deals
Scrimping on beauty treatments could cost you more than money down the…