A motorcyclist was hit by a car and had his head run over but miraculously managed to survive.
The man, whose identity is not known, collided with a car and fell onto the bumper.
Dramatic CCTV shows the motorcyclist travelling with speed as the vehicle turns into the car park.
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He smashed into the front of the silver car, and tumbled onto the floor as he bounced off the bumper.
The man was then dragged underneath the car as his body rolled across the road.
His body was struck by the front tyres, and his head was run over by the back tyres.
The vehicle crashed into a post and stopped right after rolling over the man’s head.
A security guard dressed in a jacket with a cap witnessed the accident and called for help immediately.
The motorcyclist picked himself up off the ground quickly and had tyre marks all over his hoodie and back.
Another man, who is presumed to be the driver of the car, stepped out from behind the vehicle to help the victim.
He helped him up off of the ground, as shocked onlookers gathered as the men walked away together.
The incident occurred in China on 12 March at 7.06 pm.
People online have been shocked by the incident after it was shared, as reported by Need To Know.
One person said: “I thought he had a helmet. Holy.”

Another viewer added: “He’s going to be feeling that for the rest of his life.”
“I’m amazed he still has a life and his head wasn’t crushed like a cantaloupe,” said a third person.
A shocked viewer said: “It’s been a long time since a video has made me gasp and cover my mouth. Holy f*g shit. I sincerely hope the guy is okay.”

“If guardian angels exist. This guy has one,” added a fifth viewer.
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