Savvy Brits have shared how they are saving money on heating bills in coming months – from fashioning DIY radiator reflectors to coming up with cash incentives for kids to turn the TV off.
With the energy price cap set to rise tomorrow (1 October), many people are understandably worried about expenditures.
Speaking to Need To Know, three thrifty Brits from across the country share their secrets for keeping bills lower.
READ MORE: ‘I’m a savvy mum saving hundreds per month with DIY haircuts and thrifting my kids’ wardrobes’
Al Baker, 48, from Aldershot, Hampshire

Al is a well-known super saver, having made headlines for revealing how he stashed away £10,000 with cost-cutting methods.
He has tried everything from reusing toilet rolls to drying tea bags on his washing line for a second cuppa.
This winter, the blogger, who runs The Penny Pincher, shares a few wise words for fellow parents.
He recommends a fun method of heating up for kids – investing in a hot teddy over the more traditional hot water bottle – to heat in the microwave, which is more energy efficient.
The dad also recommends limiting water usage at bathtime by using bath buoys and dams to limit the amount used in the tub, using a child-friendly shower timer, or having your child pick a few favourite songs and aim to finish washing before the playlist ends.

And try to explain how their actions impact bills to your kids so they understand the value of heating and electricals.
Al said: “I showed my son how much heat was produced by our TV and how much power must be used to generate that much heat, and just got a shrugging of the shoulders.
“So I tried showing him by removing a £10 note from his money box and saying that ‘If you left the TV on all day without watching it, would you be happy for me to keep the £10?’
“He said no, and so I said ‘Well, by not turning off the TV you might be costing me a £10 note every day, so do you think I would be happy if the TV wasn’t being watched?’.
“I think he finally grasped it!
“Kids don’t really understand what goes into earning that £10 as it doesn’t affect them personally, so for them, it’s quite hard to comprehend.”
Al also uses the app Equiwatt in conjunction with his smart plugs to save energy.

He added: “I also use the smart plugs to turn off devices overnight that don’t need to be on – for example in one room I’ve set it so that the power turns off at 10pm and goes back on at 7am on the computer monitor, desk light and laptop charger, which would otherwise be powered all night, and that’s a saving.”
Samson Dada, 32, from Manchester
Samson is always on the hunt for savvy tips and tricks that will save him a fortune.

The publicist recently made headlines after revealing how he’s saving £150 per month on his winter energy bills with some simple hacks.
He recommends ensuring to fix your tariff before it’s too late; especially as many people search around for the best deals before doing so.
And this only leads to good rates being missed out on.
Samson, who used to pay £300 a month, also says there are general tips that can help, too.
He said: “Never leave your hot water meter on whenever going on holiday, as this uses up a lot more than you think.
“Make sure that if you’re also switching accounts, your energy supplier has a direct debit option.
“An advantage of this system is that if you get a larger than-expected bill in winter, you don’t have to pay it all immediately.
“Your payments in the warmer months will balance out anything paid when it’s colder.

“Also check if your employer offers any subsided benefit heating schemes.”
Aside from these bill-friendly tips, there are ways to keep your home toasty for a fraction of the cost.
He added: “Put draught insulators underneath doors to keep any cold or draught out.
“Check windows – if they’re letting in any cold air, place insulator tape around them.
“Alternatively, use thick brown tape.
“Turn your heating on about half an hour before going to bed.
“This means you’re likely to be warmer during the night and in the morning, so you won’t need to turn the heating on first thing.
“Or get a thick onesie to wear around the house, as I often find myself not needing to turn the heating on for at least two hours per day.
“Across a week, multiplying that across a month, that’s a lot of money saved.”
Heidi Ondrak, 53, from Plymouth

Heidi is well-known across the savings community due to her incredible savvy tips that can save hundreds.
The mum has made headlines after sharing how to cook 24 meals for less than £20 and how she saved £140 on the back-to-school shop.
With 52,000 followers on Instagram, the thrifty saver knows how to pinch a penny – or two.
And she’s revealed her “fantastic” £1 hack to keep energy bills low.
By putting this amount aside per day, she’ll have a £365 buffer towards any unexpected charges.
She said: “I just woke up and thought I want a heating buffer for when it’s cold.
“It’s the price of a Walkers grab bag of crisps and I don’t notice the £1 leaving my account.
“I want to be able to pay for heating during freezing weeks.
“It’s tolerable, but very uncomfortable and quite frankly an ordeal to get through without heating.
“But, I don’t want my direct debt any higher.
“This way, I have the money upfront and I can use it here and then when I need.”
READ MORE: ‘I save £150 per month on my winter energy bill with this hack’