A brazen shoplifter openly stole two sandwiches from Greggs despite being confronted by an angry customer.
The man calmly opened up the fridges and picked up the pair of sarnies.
The crook did have the courtesy to shut the doors after he’d finished picking his loot.
A woman also in the branch in North Street, Brighton, on Saturday (5 Oct), stood up to him.

But despite sarcastically saying he should be “proud” of himself it fell on deaf ears.
He brushed past her and then questioned why she was filming him on her mobile phone.
She fumed: “Off you go.
“Be proud.
“Off you go, off you go.”
The thief said: “What you going to do camera record me?”
She added: “Yes, I will do.”
He then walked off down the street with his stolen food as the 20-second video came to an end.
Locals reacted with shock, as reported on Need To Know.
Steve Smith fumed: “This country has become lawless.”

Matt Mellberg added: “Hate these people.
Jim O’Grady said: “I have been in Bournemouth this week and everyday handfuls of people walk in and just help themselves.
“And sit right outside and eat as they know they won’t be challenged.
“It is becoming a huge problem and staff are told not to challenge them.”
Another added: “The police have given up with shoplifting.”

One quipped: “At least he had the courtesy to shut the fridge.”
Sussex Police and Greggs have been approached for comment.
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