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Seal with rope wrapped so tightly around her neck skin had grown over it is finally set free

A seal trapped in a noose-like rope for months is finally freed…

NTK Journalist NTK Journalist

Farmers fear demonic chupacabra is BACK after goat herd slain in middle of night

Farmers in Mexico fear the legendary chupacabra has returned after two mysterious…

Lee Bullen Lee Bullen

Puma runs off with pet cat in its jaws leaving family heartbroken

A puma was caught on camera snatching a pet cat in Los…

Lee Bullen Lee Bullen

Five-foot-long snake spotted slithering down street near resort popular with holidaying Brits

A five-foot snake caused panic in Estepona near Marbella, Spain, after slithering…

William McGee William McGee

Shock after injured seal pup found staked to beach entangled in net

An injured seal pup entangled in plastic netting was rescued in Suffolk.…

NTK Journalist NTK Journalist

Stag tangled in electric fencing and barbed wire saved

A massive stag was rescued after getting trapped in barbed wire and…

NTK Journalist NTK Journalist

Baby seal needs life-saving op after breaking flipper during fight

Rescued seal pup Leaf Cutter faces a life-saving surgery after suffering a…

NTK Journalist NTK Journalist

Three grieving cats face double heartache after owner dies… and now no one wants them

Three grieving cats face heartbreak after losing their owner—Atlas, Taurus, and Midnight…

Andy Crick Andy Crick