A mobile home in a London garden is currently available to rent for a whopping £790 per month.
The Barnet house comes with a studio-style bedroom and kitchen, and it’s safe to say the living quarters are a right squeeze.
The double bed is crammed in one end of the camper, with the washing machine lodged directly next to it.
Tightly packed next comes the kitchen – an oven with a hob on top, a small sink and a fridge.
Above the kitchen and bed is cupboard space – which is particularly handy given the lack of wardrobe or drawers.

The property, located on Beechcroft Avenue, is advertised as “cute and available in the heart of Golders Green” and “ideal for a single working professional”.
Next to the entrance, there’s a chest of drawers and a portable heater, to keep you warm at night.
At the other side of the caravan is a very compact bathroom, which contains a toilet, small shower, sink and storage cabinets.
Outside, between the garden fence and the entrance to the mobile home, there is a table and chairs for outdoor dining.
Despite being a caravan, the rental costs £790 per month – £266 more than the average UK rental price of £524 and equal to the London average of £794, according to rental website SpareRoom.

Thankfully, however, all bills and Wifi are included for the price.
The caravan requires a deposit of £911.53 which, equivalent to five weeks’ rent, is the maximum legally permitted.
The minimum tenancy is a year – so you’ve got to be confident that caravan life is for you before signing the lease.
The caravan is only open to individuals, and allows students.