A ‘colony of UFOs’ has been filmed flying into a volcano that is allegedly used by aliens as an interdimensional portal to access Earth.
The clip shows a long column of dozens of mysterious bright objects descending from the night sky towards the volcano’s smoking crater.
Meanwhile, one ‘UFO’ splits from the pack to apparently travel upwards into outer space.
READ MORE: Mysterious ‘UFOs’ filmed flying over parliament building
The bizarre phenomenon was captured by monitoring cameras of the National Centre for Prevention of Disasters at the Popocatepetl volcano in Mexico.
Popocatepetl, located in the states of Puebla and Morelos, stands at an altitude of 17,802ft (5,426m) and is one of the country’s most active volcanoes.
The images were captured at around 7.41 pm last Wednesday (6 Mar).
One local joked: “They are Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites.”
Another wrote: “I counted 42 and one of the first ones changed course.
“But didn’t the Starlink satellites launch that night?”
Sandy pointed out: “One of them goes up while all the others travel down.”
Mika joked: “It looks like Santa and his roughly 20 reindeer, hahaha.”

Mexican UFO expert Jaime Maussan, 70, has previously shared clips of several similar incidents at Popocatepetl.
He explained that no man-made object could enter the crater as temperatures reach around 1,000 degrees Celsius.
As such, he said he believes Popocatepetl is also acting as an “inter-dimensional portal” – a gateway between two locations in space-time that allows intergalactic travellers to enter one place from another.
Maussan explained: “In 1996, the University of Bergen in Norway discovered that under the volcano there are magnetic storms necessary to be able to generate X-points or regions of electron diffusion and be used to create a Dimensional Portal.”

NASA physicist Jack Scudder refers to X-points as “places where the magnetic field of Earth connects to the magnetic field of the Sun, creating an uninterrupted path leading from our own planet to the Sun’s atmosphere 93 million miles away.”
They are referred to as X-points because the Sun’s magnetic force is intertwined with that of the Earth creating an X shape.
Maussan said the concept of wormholes was first put forward by Albert Einstein in the 1930s.
READ MORE: Extraordinary clip of mysterious ‘UFO’ with spinning fiery thrusters