A dog jumped into its dead owner’s coffin for a last goodbye at the funeral.
The poor pooch appeared anxious at the base of the open casket.
After deliberating a moment, the dog hopped up onto the coffin and settled down inside next to its dead owner.
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The heartbreaking clip took place at a funeral in Mexico, as reported by Need To Know.
One local said: “He had to go up on his own because no one helped him, they just filmed it as usual.”
Another added: “I had to bring my gran’s dog to her funeral and she got upset and scratched me, but what hurt most was hearing her howl in pain when she saw her owner.

“Dogs understand everything.”
Judy remarked: “The pooch was asking to be picked up to say his last goodbye.”
Drew said: “His tail is tucked between his legs, he’s feeling pain.”

Maria added: “This is heartbreaking, I hope someone takes good care of him now his owner has passed.”
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