Blokes can now discreetly take Viagra-style pills in the form of breath mints.
The erectile dysfunction medication can be stored in a sleek tin.
They are available in the form of minty chewable or hard tablets.
The prescription drugs are by the US brand, Hims.
It can also be shipped to the UK.
The mints are made with the same ingredients found in the Viagra brand — including sildenafil and tadalafil.
A combination of tadalafil and sildenafil will set you back £2.25 per use.
It is to be used as and when needed and claims it takes 30 minutes to work.
However, the effects can last up to 36 hours.
There is also an option for a daily pill.
These Tadalafil pills are available for £73.80 ($94) a month.
Men will need to have a virtual consultation with a licensed medical professional beforehand.
You can only chew the minty Viagra until you’re comfortable enough to swallow it.
Unlike a regular pill, it is not recommended to swallow it whole.