A transgender woman has undergone £84,000 worth of surgery in an attempt to transform into a real life doll.
Chloe Šimša has been obsessed with dolls – from Barbie to Bratz – since she was just a teenager.
In her 20s, she decided to take steps to physically become one herself.
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The 29-year-old loved exaggerated proportions that others achieved from going under the knife and getting injections, deciding to achieve this look herself.
“I was always obsessed with the Barbie and Bratz doll look,” she told Need To Know.

“As a teenager, I also began to admire girls who had a lot of fillers and plastic surgery.
“I thought they looked really attractive.
“I wanted to become a sexy, beautiful, gorgeous woman.
“I wanted to be a little bit extra with things, that’s why I have my lips the way they are now.”
Chloe began exploring the idea of surgery and started using facial fillers six years ago.
She had her first lip lift in 2019, followed by another lip lift two years later.

She also underwent breast reconstruction using tissue expanders, which took her from a bra size zero to 1500cc, in 2021.
The next year, she had a rhinoplasty, chin reduction surgery and cat eye surgery.
And she’s not done yet.
She said: “I have some plans for my lips, I’d like to make them smaller and more elegant.
“Expanders were the quickest way for me to have bigger boobs as that’s how I like them.
“With expanders I was able to go from a bra size 0 to 1500cc.
“On my face I’ve had nose surgery, cat eye surgery, a reduction of my chin.”
Chloe, who works in the technology engineering business, and owns her own clothing brand, loves her look.

But she had some fears about how her friends would react to her look, at first.
Strangers’ stares don’t bother her.
Chloe said: “I don’t care about people on the street.
“I don’t care if somebody is saying something, it’s their opinion.
“Of course, I was a little bit afraid of how my friends and family would react.
“That was my biggest fear.
“I am really happy with the people around me.
“I have a girlfriend and she supports me so much, she is so important to me.
“Sometimes it’s not easy to be with me in this process.
“I’m really happy that I met her, she showed me that I can move my life towards other steps which I was afraid to do.”
Chloe, from the Czech Republic, plans on having more surgeries in the future, and would like to have a face lift and nose correction surgery.

She is also in the stages of having gender reassignment surgery, as well as adjustments to her bum and hip.
Chloe said: “I really like how I look, how I can dress and how my body is becoming.
“I am taking hormonal pills and it’s changing my body so fast.
“This look is more me, I feel so much better now.
“I cannot imagine being a boy, that is not me.
“These changes are really important for me and I’m really happy about these changes and my plastic surgeries.
I can’t wait for the next steps on my journey, and I will look beautiful the way that I want to.”
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