A furious man hurled about £45,000 in cash from his balcony after a row with his family.
The man was filmed as he carried out the bizarre act in a temper on Wednesday (3 Jan).
Dumbstruck neighbours called the police as countless banknotes glided through the air.
They landed on other families’ balconies and on the street below, turning it red.
Locals were heard shouting: “Money is being thrown.”

But uniformed officers arrived on the scene before opportunists could nab the cash for themselves.
They sealed off the area and collected the loose yuan notes to return them to their rightful owner in Zhaoqing, China.
The owner of a nearby shop said: “I saw it, it’s true.
“I don’t know the reason, and I didn’t pick it up. No one dared to pick it up, who would dare?”
The authorities in Guangning County said the next day that the man had thrown the cash due to “emotional fluctuations caused by family matters”.
He was reportedly taken in for questioning.
Some locals speculated that people didn’t take the cash because they thought it was play money.
But officials confirmed that it was, indeed, legal tender.

Local media cited reports that more than 400,000 CNY (£44,000) was collected by the police.
In 2021, the average Chinese worker earned 105,000 CNY (£12,000) a year, according to Beijing’s National Bureau of Statistics.
It is not clear why the man had so much cash in his flat.