A would-be phone thief got his comeuppance when he was taken on a terrifying, high-speed journey on the side of a car.
Footage filmed from another car shows the crook with his arms through the window as the driver hurtles down the road.
He can be seen trying to keep his legs above the ground in a bid to avoid a nasty scrape with the tarmac.
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At one point, he even lifts one of his legs at an uncomfortable angle to rest his foot against the wing mirror.
His other foot is seen briefly skimming the tarmac, but he manages to cling to the car as it zooms down the avenue.
According to witnesses, the man had tried to snatch the driver’s mobile phone as the car was stopped at a traffic light.
But the light changed before he could carry out the mugging and the driver decided to take him for a brisk ride.
The driver did not report the attempted mugging to the authorities in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, as reported on Need To Know.
The police said they found out about the incident after seeing the video on social media.
Officers went to the area to carry out a search and they say police presence there will be reinforced.
The identities of the two people involved were still unknown at the time of writing.
It’s not clear how the incident ended, but the police are reportedly investigating.
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