Five masked thugs launched a brutal attack on a home belonging to an elderly couple as they broke in to steal their things.
The violent attack resulted in televisions, mobile phones and £81,000 cash being stolen, according to police.
At around 2am on 8 January, several people arrived outside the residence in a compact red car.
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Shocking footage filmed by a camera at the front of the home shows the criminals attempting to break the lock on the gate.
The home was secured with a metal fence however after kicking and fiddling with the lock, the men were able to break through.
A steel tool can be seen in the hands of one man who also uses that to try to break in.
Once through the gate, three of the men begin kicking the front door to get into the house.
Barks from a dog can be heard throughout, and once the door is open there is lots of shouting.
It is presumed that one of the men shouting is the elderly man living in the home.
Another assailant enters and appears to also be in possession of a steel tool.
Not long after, a loud sound is heard followed by chilling screams from the elderly lady who also lives in the house.
The thugs beat the elderly man using the steel tool causing an injury to his head, as reported by Need To Know.
Neighbours had become aware of the situation and speedily called the municipal security who arrived at the scene.
The criminals fled in the red car and managed to escape after the officials arrived.
Surveillance footage from across the street shows them leaving, and the elderly man appears to run out of the house onto the street despite being injured.
The incident occurred in the El Cortijo neighbourhood, in Conchalí, Chile.
Captain Pablo Delgado, the patrol officer of the Northern Prefecture of the Carabineros, indicated that televisions, mobile phones and £81,000 cash were stolen from the home.
A neighbour has allegedly stated that there have been around five robberies in the area recently.
They also added that the owner of the home was going to use the money which was stolen for medical examinations.
The Public Ministry instructed that the O.S.9 and the Criminalistics Laboratory of Carabineros carry out the first steps of the investigation on the attack.
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