A father was mauled to death by the same bear that killed his son while he was retrieving his lad’s body.
Sukhlal Darro went to help another villager Aju Koreti who was attacked by the beast.
Tragic Sukhlal was killed but Aju managed to flee to raise the alarm.
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When his dad Shankar Darro went to retrieve his son’s body he was then savaged by the same sloth bear.
Both the dead bodies were brought down from the hill with the help of JCB.
The double tragedy happened on Saturday (18 Jan) at around noon while Sukhlal was collecting wood in Chhattisgarh, Kanker district, India.
Shocking footage shows a group of villagers trying to scare the black bear away.
The animal could be seen charging at the group before pinning one of the men to the ground and clawing at him.
He curled up in a ball to try and protect himself while the villagers threw sticks at it.
Deputy ranger Narayan Yadav was injured while trying to protect Shankar.
The Forest Department are trying to catch the bear and the area is being monitored with thermal drones, as reported by Need to Know.
They plan to tranquilise it.
Aju is and Narayan are recovering in hospital in Raipur.
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