Rylan Clark has recently pleaded his innocence after a police e-fit of a suspected robber showed an uncanny resemblance to him.
Cops issued the snap of the man they want to speak after a woman had her watch targeted.
He has quiff styled hair and a full dark beard which is very similar to This Morning star Rylan’s signature look.
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She managed to escape with her watch but suffered bruising to her face.
It happened in Maidstone, Kent, on 5 April.
The former X Factor singer, 35, jokingly said: “Wasn’t me.”

A Kent Police spokesperson said: “Officers investigating a report of attempted robbery in Maidstone have released a computer generated image of a man they would like to identify.
“The victim reported that between 1.30pm and 2.10pm on Friday, 5 April, four men approached her outside Romney Place and demanded she hand over her watch.
“When she refused, they chased her down the road before assaulting her.
“She suffered bruising to her face and the watch was not taken.
“Following enquiries which included reviewing CCTV and conducting house to house enquiries, the victim has now been able to complete an e-fit of a man officers would like to identify.”
Locals reacted to the similarity, as reported to Need To Know.
Paul Lucas stated: “Looks like Rylan.”

Savan Qadir jokingly questioned the Rylan, asking: “Are you sure?”
Simon Dawson said: “I want to believe you, I really do, but without seeing the teeth how can we really be sure?”
Sarah Phillips stated: “I thought it was a mix of Rylan and Joey Essex.”