Five workmates who were detained after brawling with each other on a plane, then shook hands after being released by cops.
Shocked passengers watched on as the group – suspected of boozing onboard – were seen shouting and fighting across several rows on the flight.
The five men, aged between 24 and 49, were part of a team of 15 workers from the same company.
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A violent altercation broke out on the Finnair flight from Helsinki, Finland, to the Estonian capital Tallinn.
After the plane landed, the Estonian police were on hand to detain the five brawlers involved.
Police spokesperson Marge Sillaots said the men were all Estonian citizens, aged 24, 24, 33, 46 and 49.
She said the scuffle occurred when one of the suspects refused to follow the cabin crew’s instructions.
They had reportedly been drinking alcohol before and during the flight.
The spokesperson added: “The police responded to the incident with great force, because we always act this way to ensure the safety of passengers in such situations.”
None of the brawlers or other passengers required medical attention.
The police said the five men shook hands and were released from custody, as reported by Need To Know.
They promised officers that they would not cause a similar situation again after the brawl on Monday (27 Jan).
One of the suspects said he was not fined for his part in the alleged brawl and is not restricted from flying with Finnair again.
He said: “We shook hands and that was it.”
However, he also admitted that “maybe I overreacted a bit”.
The unnamed passenger explained that he was part of a group of 15 colleagues from different parts of Estonia who were “more or less familiar” with each other.
He said: “I was sleeping and woke up to someone trying to attack me.”
“And then maybe I overreacted a little.”
He said the fight “only lasted a minute” and no one was hurt.
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