A giant crocodile suddenly lunged at a boat full of tourists leaving them screaming in horror.
The shocking moment was captured on video by a stunned onlooker on a nearby raft.
The small vessel had five holidaymakers on at the time.
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One peered over the side.
The black caiman – part of the Croc family – suddenly emerged from the murky water.
Those on board could be heard screaming and shouting.
The driver of the boat then desperately tried to reverse the boat.
Miraculously, no one was injured in the near miss yesterday (2 January).
It happened near the tiny village of Santa Rosa, southeast of the capital La Paz, Bolivia.
The croc opened its huge jaws before slowly slipping back into the water, as reported by Need To Know.
It is a large species of croc and can reach up to six metres in length, as well as weigh between 95kg and 300 kg.
They can usually be found in Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia as well as Bolivia.