A baby swan stuck on a frozen canal and unable to move for TWO DAYS has been rescued.
The cygnet was found by a dog walker.
Residents also spotted the bird hadn’t moved for at least two days during plunging temperatures.
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RSPCA Inspector, Carl Larsson, rescued the animal by breaking the ice with a reach and rescue pole.
It was on the Leeds and Liverpool Canal, in Riley Green, near Preston, Lancs.
He said: “We get these kinds of calls quite often as the canals around here readily freeze over because of the slow-moving water.
“It’s not always an emergency when water birds get stuck because if they’re healthy they should have enough fat reserves to survive.
“However, on this occasion, I decided it was best to move the cygnet because I knew there was a large unfrozen pool of water below the M65 motorway bridge about 200, along.
“The bird was also completely unable to move and would have been easy prey for predators.

“There were some grey feathers indicating the swan was young in age, probably old enough to go it alone, but maybe a little bit inexperienced in weather conditions like this.”
During the UK’s recent cold weather spell, the charity received an influx of more than 80 calls, with lots relating to birds in ice.
The RSPCA has thanked members of the public who have been out looking for animals during this time.

They’ve also warned people to make sure that they don’t put their own lives in danger in order to rescue the animals.
If you spot an animal trapped in ice, you should monitor it from afar and refer to the charity for advice and next steps, as reported by Need To Know.
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