Footage shows the bizarre moment a man got stuck behind the counter while attempting to rob a shop.
CCTV footage captured the video, taken in a small corner shop.
In the clip, the man, who claims to have been drunk, walks in wearing a balaclava and holding a gun.
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The 45-year-old then points the firearm at the woman behind the counter while walking closer and appearing to mumble under the mask for a bottle of alcohol and cash.
After the shopkeeper ran to the back room, not handing anything over, he appeared to help himself, lunging over the counter arms-first.
With half of his body hanging over, he then gets stuck and struggles to get his legs past the till.
He struggles for a while before a member of the public comes in, as reported by Need To Know.
They stand and stare at the man before realising he has a firearm and running out the door.
The suspect, still hanging over the counter, then grabs a bottle of vodka and attempts to put it on the counter behind him.
It then drops to the floor, before he falls too.
The gaffe was filmed on Monday (20 January) in Buryatia, Russia.
The booze thief was later arrested in a case of armed robbery and it was discovered that he was holding a toy gun.
According to local news, by the time police got there, he had managed to consume some of his haul.
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