A desperate woman leapt from a second-floor window to escape from her crazed husband who allegedly threatened her with a knife.
Jhenipher Sabriny de Oliveira said a row started when she came home from work and her partner asked for £1,350 in cash.
“I knew he had a history of drug use and the money could only be for going out onto the streets for that,” the 31-year-old claimed.
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She said she refused to give him the money and told him it was needed to pay the bills for the month.
“It was at that moment that he grabbed a knife from the kitchen and came after me,” Jhenipher alleged.

“He told me ‘You will never deny me anything again, or give me any trouble because today I will kill you’.”
Under threat, the cornered woman looked for a way out of the bedroom.
Jhenipher claimed: “The feeling was so terrifying, no horror film could ever capture it.
“I was shaking, I thought I was going to die.”
She looked across the room at the window and jumped out of it when her husband was distracted.
“I said to myself ‘I’m not going to be just another stat’, and that’s when I looked at the window and thought ‘I have a chance here’.”
She plunged about 23ft (7m) from the second-floor window of her home in Contagem near Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

Jhenipher couldn’t tell anyone about her ordeal until now as her partner was allegedly threatening her family’s life.
While injured on the ground below her apartment, she screamed for help until several neighbours appeared.
She said: “People came to help me, but he came down and told them I was his wife and that he would take me to hospital.”
Jhenipher tried to explain the situation to them while in pain, but her neighbours thought she wasn’t thinking straight because of the fall.
The suspect then carried her to his car and left the complex where they lived.

“He then threatened me in the middle of the road, he said ‘If you tell on me, I’ll go to the countryside and kill your son and mother’,” Jhenipher claimed.
“The whole time he kept on saying ‘Don’t forget our deal’.”
At the health centre, Jhenipher learned that she had broken bones in her upper arms, wrists, and both legs.
She also suffered a fractured pelvis in the fall.
The victim was hospitalised with her alleged attacker as her only companion.
She explained: “I played his game and didn’t tell anyone because I was afraid he would kill me or my family.
“And he wouldn’t let anyone else into the room, just him.”
Jhenipher managed to call a lawyer while her husband had to leave the hospital on an errand.
She explained the situation and the lawyer contacted the authorities about obtaining a restraining order.
The victim said: “When the protective order was in place, I told the medical team everything that had happened.
“They changed my ward, my identity, they did everything they could.”
The suspect reportedly fled the city after realising she had apparently told the authorities.

Jhenipher was discharged from the hospital on 3 March nearly three weeks after the row on 12 February.
Following a preliminary police probe, an arrest warrant was issued against the suspect on 10 March, as reported by Need To Know.
He remains on the run as the investigation continues.
The victim said: “I decided to show my images and report what happened to seek justice.
“I know many women will see my story and will find the courage to act, to speak out if something happens.
“If I didn’t jump, I wouldn’t be here today.”
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