A sick man was caught chucking a whimpering dog, wrapped up in a bag, into a skip.
Shocking CCTV footage shows him parking next to the bin and getting out of his pickup truck.
He takes several bulky bags out of the boot and drops them into the skip.
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Pained barking is heard as the man gets back in his car and drives off on Sunday (17 Mar) night.
Local man Thiago Gouveia, who helped rescue the debilitated pooch, told local media: “A street security guard saw the bag moving and found the pit bull.”
It was rushed to a local veterinary clinic in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Thiago said: “They administered some medications. He’s a bit more alert now, but his condition is serious.”
He named the pit bull Coragem, which is Portuguese for “courage”.
Thiago went on: “According to the doctor, the mistreatment had been going on for a while.
“He has many ulcers on his body, blood in his urine, possibly indicating a kidney problem.
“He’s a pit bull, typically weighing between 35 kg and 40 kg, but today he’s at 27 kg.”
The case was reported to the police, who are now working to arrest the man seen in the footage.
Thiago added: “The blood test shows few changes, better than expected.
“There’s a suspicion of anaemia, but we’ll only know after rehydration.
“The dark urine is due to the body consuming muscles, so we need to flush it out and wait for further updates.
“There’s nasal discharge, but there’s chronic inflammation in the face and a neurological alteration, so he’ll see a neurologist.
“The inflammation might be sinusitis or something else. We’re all piecing together this puzzle.
“The internal organs are fine, the skin is healing from the ulcer, and a biopsy was taken from a mass on the side.

“It’s obvious he can’t get up, but we’ll see if this was the case before after the neurologist’s consultation.”
Thiago vented: “I couldn’t sleep properly with Coragem’s screams haunting my mind, the images of him being tossed away like a bag of rubbish.
“Coragem is just one of many in this state.
“I’ve missed work, haven’t had time to eat, all because of a role that theoretically shouldn’t be mine.”
The pickup truck’s number plate has allegedly been linked to a name.
However, it hasn’t been circulated because the vehicle may be cloned.
The investigation and Coragem’s treatment continue.