A poor lad had to undergo a three-hour op after his fingers were crushed when his hand got trapped in an escalator.
CCTV footage shows how the four-year-old took a tumble at the top of the moving staircase and fell onto his front.
As he threw his arms forwards, his left hand got caught between a step and the teeth of the comb plate.
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He could be seen struggling to pull himself free as the escalator continued moving beneath him.
It stopped moving a few seconds later as an adult jogged towards the boy and yanked him from behind, freeing his hand.
The nasty accident happened at Ploshchad Vosstaniya station on the St Petersburg Metro, Russia.
The little boy was travelling on the metro with his dad at the time yesterday (23 Oct) evening.
He was rushed to a local hospital with open fractures of his little finger and middle finger, as reported by Need To Know.
Trauma surgeons fixed his injuries in a gruelling op that lasted more than three hours.
The St Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University told local media: “They conducted an open reduction of the bone fragments, stitched the tendons, and performed metal osteosynthesis.”
The young patient was still receiving hospital care at the time of reporting.
His condition is reportedly stable.
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