A baby crawling towards a busy road in the middle of the night after escaping from the house was found by cops.
Footage shows the tot crawling along the ground.
Cops then scoop him up and return him to his relieved family.
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The tot was discovered on a dirt track about seven feet away from the junction with a main road.
The one-year-old had crawled about 230 feet along the track from his house.
The baby was accompanied by the concerned family pooch who stayed by his side the whole time.
Police officers found the minor while carrying out a patrol on the main street in Villa La Lonja, Córdoba, Argentina.
The surprised cops covered the little infant in a blanket before knocking on nearby doors to try to locate the parents at around 3am yesterday (14 May).
With the help of neighbours, they soon found the baby’s 24-year-old mother.
Local police officers and CCTV operators assisted in the rescue, as reported by Need To Know.
Police spokesperson, Ariel Britos said: “After talking with the mother, we found that the dog apparently has a habit of opening the door.
“The mother was with the child when he slid out of bed, crawled to the door and went out onto the street.
“Moments later, officers managed to see him and a search was carried out with local residents until we found the mother.
“The baby wasn’t cold, he was in good health and seemed happy so we knew he had only recently left his house.
“We wrapped him up so the night dew would not cause him any harm and then we looked for his family.”
A spokesperson for the National Service for Children, Adolescents and Family added: “The mother was astonished and very grateful, it seems like it was an oversight, something involuntary.”
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