Lilith Vampyre aka the ‘Dame of Darkness’ is a 27-year-old vampire, working a ‘normal 9-5 job’ while living in London.
She posts gothic inspired pictures on her instagram account @lilith_vampyre where she has over 150k followers.
The porcelain skinned beauty Lilith likes to avoid direct sunlight and feels her most energised after sunset.
“I can go outside and function in the daytime though I prefer to avoid direct sunlight as I find it to be draining. I feel my best after sunset”

Her fascination with vampires started at an early age when she first watched the horror film Dracula.
Although lots of people dress up as Vampires for a hobby Lilith has actually admitted to drinking human blood.
“I was first introduced to the lifestyle after watching Dracula as a child and I became fascinated with these mysterious creatures.”
“I loved anything vampire related, and that interest was what led me to discovering others like me, online and in real life groups.”
“I would say I ‘became’ a vampire at 18, though I was not fully aware of it at the time, but I have now come to realise.”

When asked about the dark ritual of blood sharing, Lilith told Jam Press –
“I drank human blood firstly out of curiosity and it tastes metallic, almost copper like. Though the taste can vary.”
“We make a small cut on the skin in a discreet spot, and drink it from there.”
Blood drinking is a facet usually shared with individuals who are also into the lifestyle, rather than helpless sleeping victims as portrayed in the movies.
“They are close friends or people I meet who are interested in the lifestyle. It doesn’t have to be a large amount, I find it’s more about the overall act. It’s very intimate.”
Lilith has calculated that in vampire years she is the grand age of 600 and that this number is evocative of time gone past.

“I sometimes feel ancient.”
“I’ve always had a keen interest in history and a lot has changed in the world from then to now, but the old world feels familiar to me as if I’ve lived in it.”
The Vampire lifestyle may connote darkness to some but Lilith accredits it with lots of positive things.
“I find that being a vampire is liberating and empowering, and I love the air of mystery that comes with it.”
“Though it is not solely for publicity reasons, the vampire image does attract attention whether it be photographers, brands or people on social media.”
“The lifestyle consists largely of socialising with other vampires and attending events and clubs together.”
” I also enjoy reading books about it, watching films and dressing up. Though a lot of it is internal and being on a path of self-mastery whilst understanding myself and humanity.”

When asked of any negative responses she’d had, Lilith told us.
“I mostly receive compliments or questions from those who do not understand the lifestyle.”
“I don’t think there are too many negatives, though the ignorant reactions from some people can become frustrating.”
“I would say mostly are just those who are committed to misunderstanding what it is all about.”
“My family is okay with it and quite used to me at this point.”
“I have become acquainted with many people who are also interested in the lifestyle and enjoy anything vampire related.”
“We love to dress up and wear fangs, though it is not customary but certainly adds to the aesthetic.”
“I can see how it could be a fetish to some, though I think it does go beyond that.”
“For some the idea of a vampire is quite sexy, and I certainly agree. Though we are complex beings like everyone else.”